Reporter: Good morning viewers, today we are glad to see again in our favorite show that is one stop football on Friday. Well my audience wahyu as a presenter in this event.
Ok how viewers all the news today? Hopefully all in good health, and blessed by the gods.
Today we show the arrival of guests from two different countries but have the same hobby is soccer. And is a famous athlete in the world of sports.
Let us welcome it this early in the morning our guests are Cesc Fabregas and Wayne Rooney. Well viewers please give applause to both my special guest this morning.
It's great this morning we have two special guests in front of us. For viewers know Cesc Fabregas is a player from club football arsenal and is a member of the Spanish national team. And Wayne Rooney playing for Manchester united club and also a member of the English national team.
Ok we directly Just ask our guest this second paper, how are you this morning Fabregas?
Cesc Fabregas: very good, what about your wahyu? I really feel got an invitation to this event.
Reporter: very good. I am very proud to host you can come on my show this. And you Rooney how are you this morning?
Wayne Rooney: very good also wahyu, how wahyu of your own?
Reporter: so glad you could attend this event. First I wanted to ask Fabregas. How about the story you can wrestle the world of football to be famous like now?
Cesc Fabregas: Well wahyu I've liked soccer since I was a child from age 7 years. My parents said, I already have the talent to play football since childhood. After today I tried to audition to be accepted to play in the Spanish national team. And finally accepted. And I was also recruited to become members of the club team arsenal. Thus the story of my revelation.
Reporter: Well as we speak with Cesc Fabregas kicks we saw beautiful footage and the most beautiful goals from Cesc Fabregas that we have prepared. Can you please tell me about this video is Cesc?
Cesc: yes my video is in the face of the club in the English club.
Reporter: Well I wanted to ask Rooney. Currently what you play for the club?
Rooney: Well apocalypse now I play for the club united menchester based in Old Trafford stadium in the city menchester, English.
Reporter: oh so, this time I heard any gosip you have ever had an affair with a female prostitute or a fee. Is that true?
Rooney: yes gosip was true, and I also have advised the general public.
Reporter: Is your wife is not mad?
Rooney: of course angry, but I've explained everything. And he can accept it. I am sorry for that moment my wife is pregnant.
Reporter: good audience, we are also seeing the beautiful game footage from Wayne Rooney, who is also my idol.
Rooney: Thank wahyu.
Reporter: Well at the end of the event things you want to convey to you a fan of both, the bias starts from Cesc?
Cesc: wow thank you for your time. I just want my fans continue to support my gait in world football, and thanks for your support during this.
Reporter: Well Cesc. If you Rooney?
Rooney: yes wah thank you for your time. I just want red devils supporters continue to give appreciation to the club and especially me. Thank you.
Reporter: ok on this question is there between sessions in the studio audience who would like to ask? I was invited.
Well viewers because the show one-stop football on Friday was nearly finished. I would like to thank both my guests and Wayne Rooney Cesc Fabregas for coming in this morning.
Cesc & Rooney: you are wellcome wahyu
Reporter: let viewers see again in the event one stop football on Friday. Next Friday. Goodbye, and thanks.